Before using the ear seeds, carefully clean the external surface of the ear to remove remove any natural oils. This ensures the medical grade adhesive sticks on. A little isopropyl alcohol works great for this.
After identifying which ear protocol you are going to use, select an ear seed using your Re+Cultivate tweezers by carefully peeling the edge of the clear adhesive to lift the ear seed. Apply to desired area of application, then press lightly into place with your finger.
Adding gentle pressure or massaging in a circular motion stimulates the point.
At the bottom of this page there are two auricular regions maps that illustrate the anatomy of the ear to assist you in finding certain points.
For best results, it is recommended that you wear your ear seeds for a maximum of 5 days, then take a break for a couple of days before reapplying. This ensures your acu-points don’t become desensitised.
Disclaimer: Ear seeds are always to be placed externally - never inside the ear. Redness, swelling, small sores, irritation may occur. In the event of this happening, allow the area to fully heal before applying new ear seeds. Never use the ear seeds on irritated or broken skin. While uncommon, dizziness, nausea or drowsiness may occur. If pregnant, please consult your doctor before using as some point may induce labour. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure diseases. Always seek the medical advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any question regarding a medical condition.